Monday, March 9, 2009

It's Tuesday!!!!

Well, it's tues. afternoon here and we're really on the downslide now! Yesterday morning was spent shopping around the hotel with Tracy and Kristi and the girls, Avery, Hattie and Ameliabelle. (picture) I really don't think Avery is a shopper (Keith says "Yea!!"). She can only handle that stroller for a little bit and then needs food to keep her in! We took them out for lunch and Hattie especially enjoyed the noodles! picture..The sun finally came out yesterday afternoon, so after naptime we went to the park to play. Everybody else was there too, including a lot of the locals, kids from school. We had heard about the the little kids wearing "split" pants (the crotch is open) for potting training purposes. Well, we saw just what that's about at the park. A little guy, not much over 1y was on the slides, crawling all around with all his business hanging out! We all got a kick out of that!
Dinner last night was Papa John's pizza--they delivered it to us on bikes and we got beer at the convenience store next to the hotel. 4 families sat on the floor out in the lobby area on our floor by the elevator eating!!
Today, Tracy, Kristi and her mom, and I went and had a massage. Now, let me tell you, it was no day spa! Zhou told us the place to go, which wasn't too far from the hotel and still on the island. It was a little difficult to tell from the signs, but it offered all kinds of holistic therapies, "traditional chinese medicine" including massage, accupuncture and other therapies we weren't about to try! The massage was fairly good, not like what we are used to in the US. There was no lotion or music either. All 4 of us were in 1 room together and 4 ladies worked on us. They were almost a little rough, not in a bad way, with a lot of range of motion and working of the joints. Kristi said it was worse than childbirth!! It was good for about $10 although we had to pay almost a dollar extra to have a paper gown and paper table liner over the sheet!! Keith played with Avery and fed her lunch while I was gone, which was good, because he hadn't really been alone with her. He said she cried for a minute or so when I left, which is good. Keith is out "adventuring" with Harris and Gene right now. I will have to let him write later about his adventure yesterday down the "animals for food" street!
We're meeting later today for a big group photo (all 11 families) and then Zhou is taking us on a dinner cruise at 6p. We were supposed to go the orphanage today, but he had to change the schedule and we;re planning on going tomorrow afternoon. We pick up the babies visas thurs and head out of dodge friday am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To be continued..........lots of love, keith, jackie and avery

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